Seismic Consulting Services for Data Archives | Katalyst

Unleash Your Data's Potential℠

Subsurface Consulting

Katalyst provides seismic consulting services for a wide range of E&P companies. As subsurface consultants, Katalyst can support your geological and geophysical (G&G) data team with almost every data management service, from digital transformation projects to database analysis and data science.


Database Rows Under Management

Katalyst Data Management
Katalyst Consulting Services

Data Management Consultants

Katalyst offers subsurface data management consulting services to support your seismic and well data management initiatives so your geology, geophysics and petrophysics teams can focus on value-add projects. We’ve assembled industry-recognized petroleum data managers and geotechs in our subsurface consulting team. Together, they can achieve your goals to reduce costs and execute more effectively in the development life cycle.

Digital Transformation Consulting

Katalyst offers subsurface digital transformation consulting services for oil and gas companies. As a digital transformation consulting firm, we focus on making your data easily accessible, accurate and secure. We can help you develop a data management strategy and map business processes around your subsurface data assets to harness the power of data analytics and insights to maximize the return on your investement.

Seismic Consulting

There’s been a seismic shift in the way to store, catalogue and access data. What was once gigabytes of information has evolved into petabytes. As seismic consultants, Katalyst can help you organize, catalogue and update your seismic data to modern PPDM standards. From entitlement and ownership records to technical and interpretation project management, we have resources readily available to complete your seismic data management goals and objectives and protect your data assets.

For more information about our consulting services, please contact us.

Subsurface Insights

Cloud Data Storage for Oil and Gas Companies

The energy industry can no longer afford to delay cloud adoption. Oil and Gas technology has seen tremendous advancement over the past 20 years, which has resulted in accelerating increases in production and operational efficiency. But when it comes to digital technologies, the industry lags behind. Why? The capital-intensive operations found in the upstream sector don’t lend well to the trial-and-error approach typically used with new digital technologies. With an unpredictable oil price, operators are […]

Seismic Data Quality: The Big Scary Monster

Seismic data quality means having the solid foundation of a complete reliable dataset in your subsurface database, an ongoing quest for oil and gas companies. How can you stand behind your projects and investments if you’re not certain that they’re built upon quality seismic and well data? Oil and gas companies with assets in multiple countries around the world manage many petabytes of seismic and well data. If there are data quality issues, it can […]

Oil and Gas Data Analytics - Subsurface Data Becomes Natrual Resource

The volume of new subsurface data that is being acquired and made available is rapidly increasing.  Meanwhile large digital transformation projects are also unlocking legacy data. Many oil and gas companies are finding themselves with data assets from multiple countries that are being transformed into digital resources that could be used for oil and gas data analytics. Further complicating the asset trail, some of these companies are still acquiring and merging with other companies, requiring […]